The two main reasons we decided to re-do the POH website was to better manage/display the content and to allow greater participation.

Of course if all you want to do is read/view our content then there is not need to register.  But if you do want to particpate you'll need to click the "register" above and create an account.

Currently the only way available to particpate once you are logged in is to use our forum to disucss topics related to the politics of health

Yet we envision several levels of greater participation and contribution.    Use the "contact us" form to give us some feedback on our particpation ideas and your willingness to particpate.

1.  Engaged Reading - You can add comments to the end of selected articles (we could easily add this if enough folks ask for it).  Of course you can currently use our forum for comments as well.

2.  Authoring -  If you feel you would like to make a regular written/media contribution to one of our article categories or "concerns" we can grant you author access.   We also are thinking about a category "readers write"  where folks can contribute their personal stories related to the politics of health.  We'll need a moderator for that (see editing below)

3.  Editing -  If you have an eye for typos, a good command of English, and maybe some experience laying out pages using html we need folks to help us keep the site tidy, moderate authors and add new articles from outside sources.   Our editor is not 100% WYSIWYG so knowing a bit about html tags is helpful.  If you know nothing about html but are good at a word processor that's ok we can train you in this 21st century skill.

3.  Administration -  If you are a bit geeky instead of being an English major (or maybe both!) our website is based on Joomla and has an extensive back-end that needs management.   Learning to use the Joomla back-end is a definite job skill you might want on your resume.   We have lots of ideas of tweeks to improve things and could use an extra hand or two.

We really encourage you to particpate at whatever level you would like based on your skills and the time you have available.   The best thing about how we have set up the new website is that everyone at every level can particpate from anywhere at any time (e.g. in your jamies in bed with your laptop at 3am!).  We hope POH becomes more a "community" effort and thus becomes easier to sustain and more applicable to our readers and to our focus and goals.

----Jim, David K. and David W.